What is Thanksgiving? Why doesn’t the UK celebrate Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is one of those things that looks really weird for those who don’t live in the US. We see it in a lot of films and it is a very important celebration for them. Schools stop classes, workers get a day off and people travel for hours just to go back home for a meal […]

What can I do when I have problems at work?

For someone who is new to the country it can sometimes be hard to know where to go for help. The system is different from other countries and rules and regulations change all the time, but there is always help at hand. Please keep in mind that as a language school we can only give our […]

Bonfire night

In the UK the 5th of November is a day of celebration. It can be called Bonfire night, Fireworks night or Guy Fawkes Night (or Day).   What do we celebrate? Basically that the king survived a plot to kill him. On 05/11/1605 a man called Guy Fawkes was found guarding explosives hidden under the […]

Moving around London (part 2): the train

This week we are continuing our series on TFL. We have already posted about the tube, and today we are going to be explaining all about the trains.   First some history and interesting trivia (for those pub quizzes) The official name of the trains is National Rail, but normally you will hear people calling them […]