All the English tenses

By the time our students reach Level 3 or Level 4, they realise that English has a lot of tenses. So: how many tenses are there in English? The answer can be a bit complicated, because you need to understand 3 things: moods, tenses and aspects. In our classes we don’t usually explain all these […]

What people say about the Callan Method (part 2)


Last week we looked at 3 misconceptions about the Callan Method. This week we will be looking at 4 more. If you want to read how Way Language Course can help you pass exams and how the method works, head over to last week’s post. So, on with myths 4 to 8.   4) You can […]

What people say about the Callan Method (part 1)

If you search for Callan or Callan Method on Google, a lot of criticism comes up. So we are writing two posts to explain why we think those criticisms and bad comments about Callan are not true. If you talk to students, they love the method and recommend it to others. Most of our students […]

10 great tips for learning prepositions

Prepositions are one of the trickiest things to learn in English. They are used all the time and using the wrong one can completely change the meaning of what you’re trying to say. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an advanced student, you will probably struggle with one preposition or the other. […]