Last week we looked at 3 misconceptions about the Callan Method. This week we will be looking at 4 more.
If you want to read how Way Language Course can help you pass exams and how the method works, head over to last week’s post.
So, on with myths 4 to 8.
4) You can only learn in class, you can’t practice at home
The Callan Method Organisation has created a wonderful Student Practice Area where students can access audio and activities for all the levels, not just their own. There is no time limit and you can do the activities as many times as you want. There are thousands of activities and they follow the same structure as a lesson. For example, Level 4 has almost 200 questions to practice. And that’s without counting all the dictations and vocabulary activities. You can even record your own voice as you give the answers. All the audio files can be downloaded on your phone so you can listen to them while commuting without needing an internet connection. But don’t worry if you don’t have time. The Student Practice Area is an extra for those who want to do a little extra work, the classes are more than enough to learn.5) Callan teaches only ‘book English’ not ‘street English’
The Callan Method teaches English. What you learn in class you can use to read a book, watch the news, talk to a cab driver or listen to the latest pop hit. What is not covered in the books is slang. Those are words that are usually very informal and they change very quickly, so quickly that new books would have to be made every month just to keep up. You can’t learn slang in a class or from a book. The only way to learn it is by talking to people and the fastest way to start speaking in English is the Callan Method.6) The Callan Method is boring
In our classes you won’t watch films, you won’t listen to songs and you won’t tell another student all about your weekend for 15 minutes. What you will do is learn English. Watching a film or listening to music is fun, but would you prefer to spend 20 minutes listening to a song or 20 minutes learning new words? With the Callan Method, you can learn English in a quarter of the time (and spending a quarter of the money!) and that’s because instead of doing things that make you waste your time you are always learning in the best way possible. You don’t have time to get bored in class because you are always doing something. If you would like to know your classmates better, you can always meet them outside of class. Many of our students have become good friends and they organise weekend trips and meetups (you might even see some of our staff joining in sometimes). The Callan Method does what it has to do: teach you English so you can enjoy yourself in England (or anywhere else where English is used).7) Callan Method teachers aren’t qualified
At Way Language Course all our teachers are qualified with at least CELTA, many have higher qualifications. And they all receive Callan Method training. 8) With the Callan Method you only learn to repeat sentences not to think The Callan Method helps you learn English fast by allowing you to learn basic structures so you can say what you want. The method changes depending on your level. The lower levels have common structured sentences that get modified many times during the class. That way you don’t have to translate when someone says them to you or you want to say them. After only a few classes, you will be speaking in English. As you move through the levels the answers students have to give start changing. Instead of having to only repeat, they can start making up their own sentences by using their knowledge and creativity. These are two questions that show how the method progresses:- lesson 3 (level 1): Where are those pencils?
- lesson 161 (level 10): Do you like people who go on talking about themselves without a pause for hours and hours?