All about English phrasal verbs

There’s a lot written about phrasal verbs, and that’s because there are a lot of phrasal verbs! Phrasal verbs are one of the hardest aspects of English to learn. The grammar is quite simple, but there are so many of them that most students get overwhelmed. In reality, they are just another part of English vocabulary. […]

What people say about the Callan Method (part 2)


Last week we looked at 3 misconceptions about the Callan Method. This week we will be looking at 4 more. If you want to read how Way Language Course can help you pass exams and how the method works, head over to last week’s post. So, on with myths 4 to 8.   4) You can […]

What people say about the Callan Method (part 1)

If you search for Callan or Callan Method on Google, a lot of criticism comes up. So we are writing two posts to explain why we think those criticisms and bad comments about Callan are not true. If you talk to students, they love the method and recommend it to others. Most of our students […]