4 Ways to Learn Spanish like A Child

The process of learning a new language as an adult can be tough. But it’s definitely not impossible. Even if no one around you speaks the language you intend to learn, you can get a grip on it slowly and steadily. Whether you choose to learn Spanish, German, French, or Chinese, learning it the way […]
Why Should You Consider Learning English Online

Has the thought of improving your English language skills crossed your mind? Here we list some reasons as to why an online English language teacher can provide you the best experience. Personalize Your Online English Lessons and Save Time Any Time, Any Place – In today’s fast-paced society, nearly every individual is busy with various […]
American and British spelling differences (part 2)

Last time we wrote about our/or, ise/ize and yse/ize. This time we are continuing with spelling differences between American and British English. RE vs ER: theatre and theater This is probably the best known difference between American and British spellings. Most words that end in an unstressed -er in British English are spelt with -re […]
American and British spelling differences (part 1)

The biggest difference between the dialects of English is the accent, but there are also differences in grammar, vocabulary and spelling. Today we’re looking at differences in spelling. In most cases the differences follow patterns, so you don’t need to remember each word on its own only the main rules. If you go from one […]