Moving around London (part 7): walking
Despite what many think, London is a city that is great for walking. There are many green areas and paths that vehicles can’t get to and the pavements all over the city are being improved all the time. Transport for London has been trying to support healthy and environment-friendly alternatives and now treats walking as […]
Moving around London (part 6): the ferry
We’ve written about the tube, the train, the bus and driving in London. It’s high time we talked about something a bit more fun: the ferry! There are 3 different ferry services in London and their pricing, payment methods and opening times are all different. Woolwich ferry The Woolwich ferry is for those who drive (or walk) and need to […]
Moving around London (part 5): driving
Today we’ll be talking about a different way of moving around London: cars. Driving in London can be a very stressful experience or a relaxing one, it all depends on the route you take and the time of the day! Previously we’ve written about four popular forms of public transport: the tube, the train, the bus and the tram. […]
Rooftop views in London
London has a beautiful skyline and luckily it can be seen from many places. Some are free, some you have to pay for. As with everything else in London there’s a variety of options including free parks, museums, galleries, restaurant pop-ups and upscale hotels. The popular Rooftops There are a few places that are […]