American and British spelling differences (part 2)

US and UK language

Last time we wrote about our/or, ise/ize and yse/ize. This time we are continuing with spelling differences between American and British English.   RE vs ER: theatre and theater This is probably the best known difference between American and British spellings. Most words that end in an unstressed -er in British English are spelt with -re […]

English words of Italian origin

We’ve gone over English word of Portuguese, Spanish, Polish and French origin. It is now the turn of Italian! Italian is a language that has given English many words but in different ways as the other languages we wrote about before. Spanish and Portuguese gave us words related to the ‘new world’ of America, Polish […]

American and British spelling differences (part 1)

American and British spelling

The biggest difference between the dialects of English is the accent, but there are also differences in grammar, vocabulary and spelling. Today we’re looking at differences in spelling. In most cases the differences follow patterns, so you don’t need to remember each word on its own only the main rules. If you go from one […]

English words of French origin

English words of French

French was the language used by the ruling classes in the UK for over 300 years, almost half of the words in modern English come in one way or another from French. We could write a book about all the words of French origin in English, but we’re just going to write about some of […]